Fr.Stan Fortuna
It's always exciting meeting someone who influences your craft. I like to think that my craft is the bass fiddle. And as with any other activity, there is always going to be some one at that next level. And above them the same, and so on. Creativity i think is circular. An original idea is at the beginning, but it's only the beginning. That original idea is taken, by another, and it evolves, but it continues to be passed and improved upon. So getting to met the originators of an idea is always fun. And those serendipitous encounters always leave me speechless. It's not until after that i think of picking their brains. The questions start pouring out, but by then it's far too late. What kind of gear do you use? how long have you been playing? who are your major influences? what are your practice regiments? from where do you draw your creativity? how'd you get your start with your band? where's the coolest place you've traveled? How do you maintain relationships being on the road so much? to what would you recommend i listen? i think from now on i'll just type all my questions on a sheet of paper in questionnaire form. this way, when i meet these "originators" they can fill it out. Any way, here are some of the bassists i listen to, respect and draw my influence.
Hi Kemi - we met after the 2097 night in Houma, LA. I thought I saw you taking pics of Matt when he was playing "Love Like a Fool" for my son. If so, would you mind sending me those pics? It was nice meeting you. I'll be praying for your long road trip in London and Down Under. --Brian
Hey I took that picture!
Hope you're doing awesome Kemi! Miss you lots.
We should go get some ice cream soon. Oh wait...
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